Modules: Learning and Development
No organisation stands still, you are either moving forward, or you are standing still, while your competition is moving forward, which means that you are moving backwards.
H2R enables you to ensure that your organisation is constantly moving forward with a logic and intuitive process for identifying learning needs and the delivery and recording of training activities.
Four stages of learning
H2R enables you to effectively implement all four stages of learning cycle
Learning Needs Analysis
- The first stage of the learning cycle is to identify what an individual needs to learn
Delivery of Training
- Stage two of the learning cycle is when training activity of some form takes place
- Stage three of the learning cycle is when the individual turns their experience into learning
Assessment of impact
- Stage four of the learning cycle is when the return on investment in learning is assessed
Three Key Actions
Performance Reviews
- With H2R you can use the job descriptions, job guides and multiple level objectives to identify what an employee needs to learn to be successful at work
Objectives Management
- The performance management module and learning and development module in H2R both enable you to define objectives to help employees fulfil their learning needs
Personal Development
H2R enables you to connect the achievement of an employee’s work-related learning objectives to the attainment of the employee’s lifestyle aspirations
Training Delivery
With H2R you can access the extensive multi brand, multi format catalogue of learning resources and training course of Work Place Learning Centre.
We will always be able to identify the correct training activity to enable you to meet any learning need from a one-off course for a specific individual to a company-wide learning programme.
Physical Classroom
- A wide range of in-company and public classroom-based training courses
- One-to-one coaching provided by fully qualified and specialist coaches
- Formal mentoring programmes to support key workers develop new approaches
Webinar and Podcasts
- An ever-increasing schedule of live webinars and a recorded webinars and podcasts
Virtual Classroom
- Live on-line classroom training for individuals or groups of employees
Structured sharing of skills, knowledge, and experience between colleagues
Access thousands of anywhere anytime just in time learning opportunities
Video-based learning
A library of videos covering drama based learning and recorded presentations
Bespoke Training Activities
Our team of learning and development professionals will create a bespoke learning activity to meet the learning needs of a single employee or the all of your workforce
Learning for Succession and Performance
Job Guides
- With H2R your employees can create their own how to guides for their jobs to help share skills and knowledge and create succession opportunities
Performance Standards
- When it is not appropriate to set an objective, with H2R you can record the performance standards required for any activity associated with any job role.
With H2R you can create a multi-level, company-wide, or job specific induction programme and monitor the progress of new starters to completion