Types of Organisation:
H2R provides a partner owned business with a complete one-stop-shop that will enable them to both fulfil their legal responsibilities and fulfil their vision of the of employer they want to be.
Module 1
Abeceder research shows that the average manager will spend sixty percent of their time dealing with employment related work and solving employee related problems.
Putting the Logic into Employee Management
Adopt a logical approach to employee management across any business, regardless of size, and you ensure legislative compliance, adherence to policies and procedures, and gain the complete peace of mind of knowing that the correct action is being taken in the correct way, at the correct time, first time.
The Complex Side of Running a Partnership
Employing people is the most complex aspect of running a partnership, that can consume sixty percent of a manager’s time
How H2R Helps
H2R provides the logical processes that calm the chaos of running a partnership and with an intuitive user experience to create a straight-forward approach to employee management
Protecting the Partnership and the Employees
- The consequences of getting the HR side of running a partnership wrong, are expensive, time consuming, and potential disruptive
How H2R Helps
Combining H2R software with professional support provides a right first solution, and creates the peace of mind that enables business partners to focus on business growth
Successful HR in a Partner Owned Business
We have used the experience of working in partner owned and managed businesses around the world to identify how HR software can contribute to the success of any partner owned and managed business.
Business Partner as HR Manager
As partner in business you are responsible for everything. You really need a straight-forward way of ensuring that you are complying with the appropriate legislation and using policies and procedures that will help you fulfil your vision of the type of employer you want to be
How H2R Helps
H2R provides a comprehensive framework of modules which make it easy for a partnership business owner managers to fulfil their HR management responsibilities. The combined H2R software and Abeceder professional support will create the complete peace of mind employee management solution that enables you to focus on growing your business
If a partnership business can get recruitment right, they will reduce the potential for employee related problems
How H2R Helps
- Tools in H2R will help you to describe both the work that needs to be done and the person who is most likely to be a successful employee
- The growth of an company is often determined by the rate at which employees and volunteers can develop new skills
How H2R Helps
H2R enables an organisation to link business plan objectives to training needs, and to manage every stage of the learning process
Performance Management
Many companies do not have or fail to implement a system for managing employee performance that would enable them to learn from good and bad experiences
How H2R Helps
- H2R includes straight forward intuitive tools that enable you to create multi-level objectives, plan work activities and provide feedback to employees
Employee Retention
- Recruitment is expensive and disruptive for any business, but especially partner managed businesses. So, taking proactive steps to retain their best employees makes a lot of sense
How H2R Helps
H2R will help a you to identify why people work and to build links between the achievement of work objectives and the fulfilment of lifestyle aspirations
Reward and Recognition
Many partner managed businesses, base reward and recognition on fees earned and cash payments. They often also need to look at the wider employee contribution, and what the employee values
How H2R Helps
With H2R companies can structure a comprehensive pay and benefits strategy. The H2R research community can help you identify the market rate for any job role
Absence and Attendance Management
- Key to the productivity of a partner managed business, and meeting client deadlines, is the effective management of employee attendance, time keeping, and balancing these with employee wellbeing.
How H2R Helps
H2R includes several tools to help organisations identify attendance or time-keeping problems or wellbeing issues and manage the process of implementing a solution
Employee Relations and Conflict Management
- Partner managed businesses can often have relationship issues which the they do not have the knowledge or systems that help prevent, or resolve
How H2R Helps
- H2R includes the tools to make establishing, and maintaining good relationships, and dealing with problems easier, for any company
Legal Compliance
- Owner managers often find it difficult to comply with all the legislation that applies to employment, health and safety, and other commercial issues
How H2R Helps
H2R offers a complete legislation support package including, employment, health and safety, and every aspect of corporate law
Someone to Talk to
A HR professional with experience of working in several owner managed businesses, and of setting up a business that employed people will be available to answer your questions