Industry: Manufacturing

A structured relationship focused human resources function like that provided by H2R will help manufacturers address the unique challenges of managing employees and have a positive impact on their bottom line.

Good HR is Good for Manufacturers

We have known for many years that the performance of manufacturers who use a relationship-based approach to managing their human resources function and their employees, have a more productive and engaged workforce, than companies using a command and control approach to management.

The H2R hiring to retiring Solution for Manufacturers

H2R supports a relationship approach solution for every aspect of the relationship between an employer and their employees.

Talent Acquisition

Manufacturers face multiple challenges in finding the right type and number of people.

Some commentators predict that by 2025 a third of all vacancies in manufacturing will not be filled.

Unattractive Image

  • Manufacturing is perceived to be dirty, dead-end jobs

How H2R Helps

Using the lifestyle aspirations section of the H2R performance management module you can show the lifestyles that people working in manufacturing enjoy

Variable Skills

  • Manufacturers often require workers with a wide range of skills

How H2R Helps

With H2R you can manage the skills of your employees, identify training needs, and build a multi-skilled workforce and offer a diverse working experience

Seasonal Demand

  • Jobs in manufacturing are unsecure and work is often seasonal

How H2R Helps

H2R enables you to identify why and when the demand for workers varies, and to plan your recruitment and retention of employees to provide more stable employment

Employee Retention

Many manufacturers face difficulties in retaining talented, expensively trained employees

Lack of Job Security

  • Manufacturing work can be unsecure. Employees can be tempted by the promise of job security

How H2R Helps

  • Using the multi-level objective tools in H2R to help employees understand the future of the business and their role in that future

High Risk Levels

  • Many manufacturing environments and processes include a higher level of risk to workers

How H2R Helps

  • The H2R health and safety module enables you to engage your employees in health and safety management and risk reduction

Alternative Options

  • There are lots of alternative employment options that can appear more attractive

How H2R Helps

  • The communication tools within H2R enable you to present employees with a positive vision of their future with your organisation

Pay and Benefits

Probably the largest cost for manufacturers, the costs of getting it wrong are also substantial

Demand and Supply

  • Competing for workers can be a self-destructive strategy

How H2R Helps

H2R enables manufacturers to provide employees with benefits that will provide a big benefit to each employee


  • The Performance is impacted by how you mix base and variable pay

How H2R Helps

H2R includes a huge range of benefits covering every aspect of life to meet the lifestyle needs of every employee

Employee Benefits

Lack of Personalisation

  • Many manufacturers give every employee the same benefits regardless of their needs

How H2R Helps

H2R enables manufacturers to provide employees with benefits that will provide a big benefit to each employee

Limited Benefits Available

  • Many manufacturers only offer employees a small range of mainly statutory benefits

How H2R Helps

H2R includes a huge range of benefits covering every aspect of life to meet the lifestyle needs of every employee

Learning and Development

Rapidly changing technology and increasingly personalised customer requirements make it important for a manufacturer to maintain continuous improvements through constant learning and development

Training is expensive

  • Many manufacturers find the cost of training prohibits them from providing training

How H2R Helps 145

With H2R manufacturers benefit from our bulk buying of learning resources and training courses, making it more cost effective to provide training

Too Busy to Learn

  • Many manufacturers find it difficult to make the time available for employee training

How H2R Helps

From e-learning to coaching the wide range of learning options provided by H2R means there will always be an activity that fits into an employees’ diary

Performance Management and Appraisal

Providing employees with feedback on their performance can positively impact their motivation and lead to increases in employee productivity

Lack of Understanding

  • Many manufacturing workers do not know how what they are being told to do fits in to the bigger organisation

How H2R Helps 

  • The H2R performance management and appraisal module allows a manufacturer to show the structure of objectives throughout the organisation

One-sided Appraisal

  • Many manufacturers focus their performance management and appraisal system on what the employer wants

How H2R Helps 135

  • The H2R performance management and appraisal module, covers every aspect of the work life balance and what the employee wants from work

Individual and Collective Employee Relationsl

Manufacturers often experience more individual and collective employee relations issues than other types of employers.

The large size of many manufacturing sites, people working throughout the day, and diverse workforce all contribute to the unique employee relations issues faced by manufacturers.


  • The rumour mill is often the first source of information in many manufacturing sites. Employees complain to each other because they do not know how to raise concerns with managers.

How H2R Helps 

  • The communication tools within H2R provide a straight-forward way of ensuring that both employees and managers get the correct information in the right way at the right time.

Resolving Problems

  • Employee questions that could have been answered, become problems, and then disputes when the correct grievance procedures are not followed by employees, trade unions and managers

How H2R Helps 

  • Intuitive processes within H2R provide a straight-forward way for employees to raise concerns and managers to act to demonstrate that they are taking the appropriate actions

Legal Compliance

Compliance with legislation is essential to the success of any manufacturing business.

Ignorance of the law

  • Mistakes often happen because managers or employees are unaware of their legal responsibilities

How H2R Helps 

  • The communication and training tools in H2R help ensure that managers and employees are fully aware of and kept up to date with their legal responsibilities at work

Ignoring the Law

  • Sometimes legal obligations are ignored when other issues are, considered to be, more important

How H2R Helps

  • H2R can help you set up record keeping processes that help to reinforce legislative responsibilities and ensure that you have accurate records of compliance

Health and Safety

The first priority, of any business is to ensure that they are operating safely.

Manufacturing operations have inherently more risks than other working environments

Safety Education

  • What may seem obvious to many, will be unknown to the employee who was not told about the hazards and risks in their workplace 

How H2R Helps 

  • H2R includes access to an extensive range of safety education resources and training courses and a team of Health and Safety experts and solicitors

Engagement with Safety

  • Experience helps to build confidence and confidence can lead to shortcuts being taken, which raise the risk of accidents and near misses

How H2R Helps

  • The risk assessment and incident and near misses reporting tools within H2R make it easy for employees to report when safety rules are not being followed

Someone to talk to

There will be a H2R professional with experience of manufacturing available to answer your questions