Modules: Employee Communications
H2R provides the tools you need to create communications that will help you to build a hiring to retiring relationship with each of your employees.

Key Element of Success

- Get communication right and your employees will build trust and respect for all levels of leaders in the organisation

- Good communication removes doubt and uncertainty, allowing your employees to focus on their work and be more productive

- Present a vision in your communications and you will motivate your employees to engage with their work, team and employer
Organisational Updates

Multiple Formats
- With H2R you can communicate with your employees using text, audio, or video messaging, for any device.

Targeted Communications
- With H2R you can tailor your employee communications to different sections or locations of your organisation

Diverse Communications
- H2R enables you to create employee communications that reflect the diverse needs of your employees

External News
- H2R enables you to keep your employees informed of external news that impacts the organisation or their role
Personalised Communications
It is important whenever possible to include personalised information in your employee communications

Performance Related
- With H2R you can provide an employee with information about how they compare to their colleagues

Professional Development
- H2R can include content and external links that will support the development of your employees

Planning Activities
- H2R encourages employees to focus on their objectives by reminding them about their activity plan

- H2R enables you to include content and external links that are related to your employee’s lifestyle
The Four Works
You can include an Employees Guide to Employment created by The Four Works in your H2R

Getting Work
- The H2R payroll bureau team are professionally qualified experts, with wide ranging industry experience.

Preventing and Resolving Problems at Work
- Content that explains to your employees what they should do when things are not going well at work

Success at Work
- Content that explains how your employees can be a successful employee of your organisation

Work Lifestyle Balance
- Content that encourages your employees to think about how they can improve their work life balance
Two-Way Communication
Great communication is a dialogue not a monologue. H2R provides you with the tools that will encourage your employees to communicate with you, helping to ensure that you get to hear what you need to know when you need to know it.

Round Tables and Community Meetings 136
- H2R links to online meeting software, enabling you to hold any size of meeting with any group of employees regardless of their location

Suggestion Box
- The suggestion box within H2R enables employees to contribute their ideas for ways in which the organisation could be improved

Employee Surveys
- H2R includes the tools that enable you to survey your employees on any subject in any time frame from an annual staff survey to real time reactions to announcements

Colleague Recognition
- With H2R you have the tools that will enable your employees to acknowledge and recognise the hard work and support of their colleagues.

Exit Surveys/Interviews
- Your employee may be leaving but with H2R you can still collect their feedback on their experience and continue your relationship

Whistle Blower Tools
- H2R enables your employees to communicate with you, confidentially. They can tell you about any issue that concerns them, or which might negatively impact your organisation.
Intranet Site
Your employees can access H2R via a link from your intranet website. Or H2R can become the platform on which your intranet site is constructed.
Talk to our design team to discuss your requirements
Someone to talk to
There will always be a H2R employee communications professional available to answer your questions