Auto Enrolment
OPTESS Auto Enrolment services are built into Abeceder H2R
Every employer regardless of the number of people they employ has a legal responsibility to provide a workplace pension, into which every employee is automatically enrolled.
This is to help employees to save for their retirement
Automate Auto Enrolment
Because H2R includes OPTESS Auto Enrolment much of the administrative burden of auto enrolment is automated
and every H2R user can be sure they are fulfilling their legal responsibilities.
Provide a Workplace Pension
- Every employer must provide a workplace pension that is available to every employee
How H2R and OPTESS helps
- Bringing H2R together with OPTESS helps an employer to establish and manage a legally compliant workplace pension scheme, quickly and simply
Include Pensions in Every Payroll
- fEmployers must assess every employees’ pensions contributions with every payroll run
How H2R and OPTESS helps
- The combination of H2R and OPTESS means that every aspect of your auto enrolment responsibilities as an employer, will be completed automatically
Inform and Educate
- Employers are responsible for making sure their employees understand auto enrolment
How H2R and OPTESS helps
- OPTESS e-learning, webinars and seminars are included in the H2R learning and development function, and their experts are available for 1-2-1 help.
Auto Enrolment Options
With H2R Payroll
- H2R with payroll and OPTESS auto enrolment is the ideal way for employers of any size, to manage pensions auto enrolment
A Couple of Clicks
- Because OPTESS is fully integrated into H2R and payroll it only takes a couple of clicks to securely transfer the data OPTESS needs to
- assess your staff,
- run the calculations, and
send you an email back with contributions you need to make.
Without H2R Payroll
- H2R with OPTESS is the ideal solution for employers with their own payroll service or an established external payroll bureau.
A Couple of Clicks
Because OPTESS is fully integrated into H2R it only takes a couple of clicks to securely transfer the data OPTESS needs to:
- assess your staff,
- run the calculations, and
send you an email back with contributions you need to make.
Employee Communications
Different Auto Enrolment Options – same high standards of communications
H2R with OPTESS and payroll automates the generation of all the pay and pensions related communications an employer must send to their employees
Annual Review
- H2R with OPTESS you will receive a personalised Annual Review of your auto enrolment pension scheme, covering every employee and how you can maintain your compliance
H2R with OPTESS and payroll automates the generation of all the pay and pensions related communications an employer must send to their employees
Declaration of Compliance
H2R with OPTESS automatically creates the information required by the Pensions Regulator to confirm that you have complied with the pensions auto enrolment regulations