Organisations: Start Up

H2R provides start-up businesses with the logical HR infrastructure that will help the founders fulfil their vision

Evidence shows that start-up businesses that implement good HR practices early in their development are more successful than companies that wait until employee numbers have reached an arbitrary number

Getting HR Right from the Start

Save Time and Money

  • In any start-up, time and money are two precious resources, that cannot be wasted

How H2R Helps

  • Employee self-service, automated tasks and action prompts mean that H2R users do the right thing in the right way at the right time, first time

Build Your Business

  • The focus in a start-up should be on business growth, not on resolving employment issues  

How H2R Helps

  • Knowing that H2R covers every aspect of the employer, employee relationship from hiring to retiring frees H2R users to focus business growth

Successful HR in a Start-up Business

After working with a wide range of start-up businesses around the world in various industries we have identified the contribution that good HR support makes to the success of a start-up business

Vison and Values

  • Every new business starts with a purpose and an ideal way of operating, but cementing this into how the business operates can be difficult

How H2R Helps

  • Communication and performance management tools within H2R enable you to explain your vision and values and incorporate them into multi-level objectives

Organisational Design

  • Many start-ups evolve without a plan that explains how the business will share responsibilities, allocate work, or how many people will be needed

How H2R Helps

  • H2R includes a wide range of tools to help you define how your business will operate, how job roles will interact and how those jobs will be rewarded

Legal Compliance

  • Many founders are shocked to discover how much legislation they must comply with to set-up and run their business

How H2R Helps

  • H2R offers a complete legislation support package including, employment, health and safety and every aspect of corporate law


  • Many start-ups rely on gut instinct when making decisions because they do not have accurate performance information

How H2R Helps

  • The reporting function in H2R will provide you and your employees with a wide range of information to help improve performance  


  • Many founders rely on friends and family to be their first employees, rather than searching for the best qualified employees

How H2R Helps

  • Tools in H2R will help you to describe both the work that needs to be done and the person who is most likely to be a successful employee


  • In a fast-paced start-up business founders often want new employees to hit the road running rather than provide a formal induction

How H2R Helps

  • H2R provides the infrastructure for creating a complete employee induction programme for any type of employee and every job role

Pay and Benefits

  • Many start-up businesses have an unstructured pay strategy, and often end up paying more than they should

How H2R Helps

  • With H2R start-up businesses can structure a comprehensive pay and benefits strategy. The H2R research community can help identify the market rate for any job role

Performance Management

  • Start-up businesses often lack a structured approach to giving employees feedback that could improve performance

How H2R Helps

  • H2R includes straight forward intuitive tools that enable you to create multi-level objectives, plan work activities and provide feedback to employees

Employee Relations

  • Many founders avoid employee relations issues, even when people are leaving

How H2R Helps

  • H2R includes the tools that make establishing good employee relations with a start-up easy for any founder

Learning and Development

  • Many start-ups adopt a learn from our mistakes approach to employee development

How H2R Helps

  • With H2R you can use multi-level objectives to assess learning needs and then manage learning activities

Someone to talk to

There will be a H2R professional with experience of manufacturing available to answer your questions